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What's your ripple effect?

13 Sep 2021

What’s your ripple effectYou have one, everyone does.


Zoe is a Coach + Consultant, her mission is to help organisations and individuals on knowing their purpose, mission and vision to have the clarity required to create a winning roadmap, all resulting in a huge positive ripple effect to others.

Zoe is the founder of The Coach House Club that offers a group coaching and mentoring membership.

Being a purpose-led business ourselves we wanted to find out more, Zoe kindly shared her thoughts on the ripple effect?  

The Ripple Effect is powerful, you, me, we, us are all powerful creators.  In psychological terms; The ripple effect means that each of us creates (words, actions, behaviour) an impact often without consciousness or intention. We are so conditioned by our past experiences to respond in a specific way to a situation, an event, a person - we have learned to create and repeat a habit. Everything we do has an impact on others i.e the ripple effect.

Have you ever thrown a stone or pebble into a calm river, lake or ocean? What happens? A splash followed by a cascading ripple which continues to expand until the ripple has no effect. What happens if the river, lake or ocean is turbulent and choppy?  The splash happens but the ripple doesn’t register with all the turbulence  in the water.

Our ripple can create a big impact or it gets lost in chaos. When we learn to use our ripple with positive and good intent at the right time, we can really help bring a shift in energy, positivity, momentum and motivation to you and others whether you see it or not, others experience whatever ripple you create.

Would you like a more positive impact as a leader, parent, partner, teacher, friend? You can, simply knowing your ripple effect and adjusting it accordingly. You never know who is watching, listening and learning from you.

Check out The Coach House Club Podcast Episode #4 The Ripple Effect HERE or find out more about the ripple effect and its impact HERE

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